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 * Upwork auth library for using with public API by OAuth
 * @final
 * @package     UpworkAPI
 * @since       04/21/2014
 * @copyright   Copyright 2014(c) Upwork.com
 * @author      Maksym Novozhylov <mnovozhilov@upwork.com>
 * @license     Upwork's API Terms of Use {@link https://developers.upwork.com/api-tos.html}

namespace Upwork\API;

use Upwork\API\Config as ApiConfig;
use Upwork\API\Debug as ApiDebug;
use Upwork\API\Utils as ApiUtils;

 * Client
class Client
    // we will deal only with json inside library
    // and return already decoded data
    const DATA_FORMAT = 'json';

     * @var Entry point name
    static protected $_epoint = UPWORK_API_EP_NAME;

     * @var Server instance (AuthTypes)
    protected $_server;

     * Constructor
     * @param   ApiConfig $config Config object
     * @access  public
    public function __construct(ApiConfig $config)
        ApiDebug::p('preparing Client');

        $key        = $config::get('consumerKey');
        $secret     = $config::get('consumerSecret');
        $aToken     = $config::get('accessToken');
        $aSecret    = $config::get('accessSecret');
        $verifySsl  = $config::get('verifySsl');
        $auth       = 'Upwork\API\AuthTypes\\' . $config::get('authType');

        $this->_server = new $auth($key, $secret);
        !$aToken  || $this->_server->option('accessToken', $aToken);
        !$aSecret || $this->_server->option('accessSecret', $aSecret);
        $this->_server->option('verifySsl', $verifySsl);

     * Get server instance
     * @return  object
     * @access  public
    public function getServer()
        return $this->_server;

     * Get request token for web-base apps
     * @access  public
     * @return  array
    public function getRequestToken()

        return $this->_server->setupRequestToken();

     * Auth application
     * @access  public
     * @return  mixed
    public function auth()
        ApiDebug::p('authing Client');

        $this->_server->option('mode', ApiConfig::get('mode'));
        $this->_server->option('sigMethod', ApiConfig::get('sigMethod'));

        // setup request tokens for web-based app
        // they must be already obrained on the first step
        if (ApiConfig::get('mode') === 'web') {
            $rToken     = ApiConfig::get('requestToken');
            $rSecret    = ApiConfig::get('requestSecret');
            $oVerifier  = ApiConfig::get('verifier');

            !$rToken    || $this->_server->option('requestToken', $rToken);
            !$rSecret   || $this->_server->option('requestSecret', $rSecret);
            !$oVerifier || $this->_server->option('verifier', $oVerifier);

        return $this->_server->auth();

     * Run API request
     * @param   string $type Type of request, i.e. method
     * @param   string $url URL
     * @param   array $params (Optional) Additional list of parameters
     * @access  protected
     * @return  array
    protected function _request($type, $url, $params = array())
        ApiDebug::p('running Client request', $this->_server);

        $method = 'POST';
        switch ($type) {
            case 'PUT':
                $params['http_method'] = 'put';
            case 'DELETE':
                $params['http_method'] = 'delete';
            case 'GET':
                $method = 'GET';

        if (self::$_epoint == UPWORK_API_EP_NAME) {
            $url = $url . '.' . self::DATA_FORMAT;
        } elseif (self::$_epoint == UPWORK_GDS_EP_NAME) {
            $params['tqx'] = 'out:' . self::DATA_FORMAT;

        $this->_server->option('sigMethod', ApiConfig::get('sigMethod'));
        $this->_server->option('epoint', self::$_epoint);

        $response = $this->_server->request($method, $url, $params);

        return json_decode($response);

     * Do GET request 
     * @param   string $url API URL
     * @param   array $params (Optional) Additional parameters
     * @access  public
     * @return  mixed
    public function get($url, $params = array())
        ApiDebug::p('starting GET request');
        return $this->_request('GET', $url, $params);

     * Do POST request 
     * @param   string $url API URL
     * @param   array $params (Optional) Additional parameters
     * @access  public
     * @return  mixed
    public function post($url, $params = array())
        ApiDebug::p('starting POST request');
        return $this->_request('POST', $url, $params);

     * Do PUT request 
     * @param   string $url API URL
     * @param   array $params (Optional) Additional parameters
     * @access  public
     * @return  mixed
    public function put($url, $params = array())
        ApiDebug::p('starting PUT request');
        return $this->_request('PUT', $url, $params);

     * Do DELETE request 
     * @param   string $url API URL
     * @param   array $params (Optional) Additional parameters
     * @access  public
     * @return  mixed
    public function delete($url, $params = array())
        ApiDebug::p('starting DELETE request');
        return $this->_request('DELETE', $url, $params);