1:  2:  3:  4:  5:  6:  7:  8:  9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 
 * Upwork auth library for using with public API by OAuth
 * @final
 * @package     UpworkAPI
 * @since       04/21/2014
 * @copyright   Copyright 2014(c) Upwork.com
 * @author      Maksym Novozhylov <mnovozhilov@upwork.com>
 * @license     Upwork's API Terms of Use {@link https://developers.upwork.com/api-tos.html}

namespace Upwork\API;

 * ApiException
final class ApiException extends \Exception